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Skelton Gate - Leeds


Client - Templegate Developments Ltd (JV Evans Property Group & Keyland)

Consulting Engineer - JPG

RBA Role - Quantity Surveyor

Project Description

The project comprised site preparation of former open cast land so as to form prepared residential development plots (for sale and future development by others). The site preparation works generally included removal of trees and scrub, topsoil strip, over 1,000,000 m3 of bulk earthworks, and dynamic compaction to improve ground properties across the site.

The works also include construction of new/modification of existing adoptable highways under S38 and S278 agreements (complete with associated footways, cycleways, service margins, streetlighting etc), provision of Statutory Services and also surface and foul water drainage (including pump stations and rising mains directional drilled beneath the motorway structure).

Our services also extended to monitoring the JV installation of highways from the M1, linking Junction 45 to the site and the adjoining adjacent motorway services.

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